
kesunyian...bila sunyi,kita akan rase b0san sgat..

hye k0rang sume...
apakhbar??..sihat ta..sihat kn..
hurmm,0keyh lah..ary niyh,sya na citer skit psal l0nely 0r sunyi lahh...
k0rang pernah rase sunyi ta??...msty lahh penah kn..
0keyh lakt bawah niyh mia da tulis s0mething t0k k0rg sume...
benda niyh kira fakta jgax lahh..s0,bace la fakta art bwah tuh erkk..
slamt membace sume..!!!!

  • at least kn,adew 2 0wang at dunia niyh yg sygs k0rang sgat2 n sggup mati t0k korang taw..ta caye??...ta pelah...depends pda korang sndri,hehe...
  • at least 15 pe0ple in thiz w0rld l0ve u in s0me way...
  • the 0nly reas0ns npew s0meone hate korang sbp dye na jdy same like u..
  • a smile fr0m y0u brings happiness t0 any0ne,even dye 0rg ta suke korang taw..so,smile lahh slalu erkk..
  • stiap malam,there iz s0me0ne thinks ab0ut you bef0re they g0 to sleep...bt0l taw..caye lahh..
  • k0rang bgaikn ssuatu yg amat pnting buad ses0rang...y0u mean the w0rld to s0meone..
  • klaw bukan sbp k0rang lahh kn..ses0rang xkn id0p art dunia niyh...
  • y0u all..iz special and unique...sbp stiap mnusia adew klebihn n klemahn dye sndri..bt0l ta ??
  • s0meone that you d0n't even kn0w exists l0ves y0u..korang jer ta taw sbp k0rang aner taw kn law adew s0meone admire at k0rang..
  • bila k0rang buad 0ne mistake lahh kn..s0mething g0od c0me sfr0m it..bt0l ta?..kdg2 mia penah gax rase cm niyh..ta tpuw taw. hehe
  • when you think the w0rld has turned its back 0n you,take a l0ok..you must likely turned y0ur back 0n the w0rld
  • bila k0rang rase k0rang da tade chance agy  t0 getting what t0u want,y0u probably w0n't get it..but if y0u believe in y0urself,pr0bably, so0ner or later, y0u will get it..
  • sntiasa lahh ingat the c0mpliments y0u received.f0rget ab0ut the rude remarks...
  • always tell s0meone h0w y0u feel ab0ut them..y0 will fell much better when they kn0w...

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